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Research Projects

The NEIA,  the MCC, or the MCSA provide the research projects presented on this site as a service to the law enforcement community and, in particular, to those thousands of officers throughout North America who lay their lives on the line each day to make all of our lives more secure. Articles and research papers published on this website may be duplicated or republished without permission. The views of the authors are not necessarily those of the NEIA, the MCC, or the MCSA.

Research Projects are presented by chronologically by calendar year.

Note: Currently, some research projects are only provided as a PDF or as a web page. The NEIA is working to provide both versions for the Research Projects that are conducive for both formats.


Officer Involved Shootings and the Implications of Video Evidence
Authors: Major Cities Chiefs Associates,  and Federal Bureau of Investigation National Executive Institute Associates, October 2016


  • Engagement-Based Policing: The What, How, and Why of Community Engagement
    Authors: Major Cities Chiefs Associates, Major County Sheriffs Associates, and Federal Bureau of Investigation, National Executive Institute Associates, June 2015


  • Shifting The Culture From Avoidance To Addressing Police Suicide
    Authors: Major Cities Chiefs Associates, Major County Sheriffs Associates, and Federal Bureau of Investigation, National Executive Institute Associates, May 2012
    PDF Version


  • Meeting Law Enforcement's Responsibilities--Solving the Serious Issues of the Day
    Authors: Major Cities Chiefs Association, Critical Issues Study Group, October, 2001
    PDF Version

  • Achieving Diversity Through Marketing
    Based on Conferences of the Major Cities Chiefs, 1999 - 2001
    Coordinated by the Human Resources Committee
    PDF Version

  • Book Review: Police for the Future by David H. Bayley
    Author: John J. Coleman, Doctoral Student, School of Public Policy, George Mason University, Spring 2000
    Web Version

  • Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section (CCIPS)
    Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section, Criminal Division, United States Department of Justice
    Web Version


  • The Present and Future Use of the Internet by Law Enforcement--Part One
    A report for the Major Cities Chiefs, FBI Academy, and the National Executive Institute Associates
    Authors: Edward J. Tully and Susan McKee, June 2000
    Web Version

  • Regional Communications System County of San Diego, California
    Web Version


  • Handling Police Misconduct in an Ethical Way
    Author: Daniel Patrick Barry, December
    PDF Version

  • The Chief and the Union: Building a Better Relationship
    A selection of viewpoints and suggestions sponsored by the Major City Chiefs National Executive Institute Associates for the Law Enforcement Community, Sun Valley, Idaho, June
    PDF Version