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The John M. Penrith Award 2009

William J. Bratton

Los Angeles
:  Los Angeles Police Department Chief William J. Bratton will be receiving the prestigious Penrith Award after being chosen by a selection committee comprised of previous Penrith Award recipients.

As the newly appointed president of the Major Cities Chiefs Association (MCCA), Chief Bratton is currently attending a conference in Sun Valley, Idaho, sponsored by the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI’s) National Executive Institute Associates (NEIA), and the MCCA.  The purpose of the conference, which reflects the NEIA’s overall goal, is to assist in the continuing education and training of high-level, law enforcement executives.

At the Annual Penrith Awards Banquet tomorrow, also in Sun Valley, Chief Bratton will be recognized for his significant contributions to the law enforcement community nationwide.

Criteria for being a recipient of the Penrith Award include being a graduate of the FBI National Executive Institute, exhibiting excellence in law enforcement administration, demonstrating exceptional leadership in law enforcement matters on a nationwide level, possessing personal courage to face adversity and making substantial or innovative contributions to the administration of a law enforcement agency.

Upon learning that he had been chosen as the 2009 Penrith Award Recipient, Chief Bratton said, “It was quite a nice surprise and a great honor to be recognized by this well-respected and influential organization within the law enforcement community.”