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Dear NEIA Members and Friends,

In 2001, I was not new to law enforcement.  But I was new to running a large Sheriff’s Department.  I was fortunate that I had a powerful advantage: it was my association with NEIA.

I had the privilege of linking to and learning from strong, smart, visionary men and women who were leading the largest law enforcement agencies in America and around the world.  

“They knew a few things.  Because they’d seen a few things.”  

They were people who made good choices and made the right things happen. They generously shared the benefits of their experience, and their sense of what was possible and what was right. They provided leadership and inspiration and the advantage of having tried, failed, and tried again to get it right.

Their wealth of experience and their advice benefited me, my agency and the communities in my jurisdiction.

I am grateful.  Part of being grateful is to acknowledge obligations.  I have an obligation to NEIA, to the visionaries who created it, and those whose commitment has kept it moving forward.

These are my reasons for accepting the invitation to serve as the President of the FBI NEIA Executive Board:  gratefulness and obligation.
There is also the real opportunity to work with people who want to take the NEIA forward and confront the growing array of difficult challenges and choices facing law enforcement.

Within the last month, I have worked closely with members of the Executive Board, we have refined and renewed the mission, vision, goals and direction of the NEIA.  

We are in the process of revitalizing an executive leadership Institute, which can develop ethical, workable, nonpartisan and sustainable approaches to law enforcement issues.  We will accomplish this through consultation, future-casting, training, mentoring and creating policy proposals.

I am grateful for the opportunity to be Board President.  I am most grateful and look forward to the opportunity to work with a group of men and women who are invested in exploring challenges and constructively seizing opportunities.
